
At Outbreak, we are always looking to bring our professional youth work experience, expertise and energy to local schools in and around Pimlico in order to support school staff, young people and parents.

One-to-One Mentoring

We mentor young people in primary & secondary schools through our emotional literacy programme. That means that we focus on helping them to understand and work positively with their emotions in order to make the positve choices they need each day to help them to thrive, not just in school but in life. Our professional mentors work with each you person for 6 to 10 weeks to build a positve relationship and set targets that they really want to achieve.

Small Group Mentoring

We also mentor young people who are experiencing similar challenges together in a small group setting. The focus is again around emotional literacy, we use discussion, role-play, games and other tools to help the group work together to understand and resolve personal challenges. Again we provide this support over 6 to 10 weeks in both primary & secondary schools.

Lunchtime Drop-ins

You will often see the Outbreak team in school at lunchtime, we're there as an extra person to talk to for young people and as a way of them getting to know us a bit more. We also get stuck in running games & activities when called upon. We really enjoy it, it's a great way to get to know everyone and provide an extra hand in the playground for the staff!

We’d love to discuss our bespoke services with you which we can tailor to your school’s needs.

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